Deploy Cloudflare Tunnel on Kubernetes

中文版:在Kubernetes中部署Cloudflare Tunnel – Frank’s Weblog

Cloudflare Tunnel is a tunneling service provided by Cloudflare. With Cloudflare Tunnel you can connect the origin to Cloudflare and provide service without exposing any ports on the server or cluster, therefore minimizing the attack surface.

Cloudflare Tunnel was formerly known as Argo Tunnel. Later Cloudflare Tunnel became part of the Cloudflare Zero Trust and became available to all users for free in 2021[1].

Deploy Cloudflare Tunnel on Kubernetes
Cloudflare Tunnel

Cloudflare Tunnel had several iterations in the past two years, many tutorials on the internet have become outdated. The latest Cloudflare Tunnel needs no configuration on the client (cloudflared) side besides token. All sites (services) can be configured on the Cloudflare web console. If a tutorial asks you to configure the site on Cloudflared through yaml, the tutorial is likely outdated.

This post will use httpbin as an example to illustrate how to deploy Cloudflared on Kubernetes and serve other services deployed on the cluster.

Configure Kubernetes Deployment and Service

This is a sample yaml that includes the Deployment and Service for httpbin. We created a Service named httpbin-svc, and expose port 80 through ClusterIP.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: httpbin
      app: httpbin
        app: httpbin
      - name: httpbin
        image: kennethreitz/httpbin
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        - containerPort: 80
      restartPolicy: Always
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: httpbin-svc
  type: ClusterIP
    - targetPort: 80
      port: 80
      app: httpbin

Install Cloudflared

Go to the Cloudflare Tunnel console (Zero Trust console -> Access -> Tunnels) and create a new Tunnel.

After creation, the following page will be shown. Take note of the token, which will be used later.

This is a yaml for cloudflared. Replace the {token}with the token shown on the web console. The official cloudflared image (cloudflare/cloudflared) supports amd64/arm64 Multi-arch starting from version 2022.12.0. If you need to run it on architectures other than amd64 and arm64, you can use an image built by a 3rd party: or build your own image.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: cloudflared
  name: cloudflared
      app: cloudflared
        app: cloudflared
      - name: cloudflared
        image: cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.7.1
        # image:
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        args: ["tunnel", "--no-autoupdate", "run", "--token={token}"]
      restartPolicy: Always
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60

Note that in the command provided on the Cloudflare console, there’s space instead of an equal sign(=) after the --token flag. When using it in Kubernetes it must be an equal sign, otherwise cloudflared will raise an error.

Storing the token in the yaml file is not secure. To ensure security you can store the token in the Kubernetes Secret and use it via the environment variable. See Secrets | Kubernetes for detailed instruction.

Configure Hostname

The status will change to Active after cloudflared started. Click Configure to configure the Tunnel.

Create a new Public Hostname, and select the domain that you would like to use to provide service. Fill in the name and port of the Kubernetes Service in the Service section.

The service can be accessed from the selected domain.


[1] A Boring Announcement: Free Tunnels for Everyone





8 responses to “Deploy Cloudflare Tunnel on Kubernetes”

  1. Willb0t Avatar

    So I got it working but I am trying to get this to deploy via github actions.
    Is there a way to pass github secret for the token?


    1. Frank Avatar

      You can make the token an env variable in the yaml, and read it from github secret via env variable.

  2. Flesz Avatar

    what’s the point of creating the service?
    I thought the whole point of cloudflared is the tunnel straight to cloudflare so you only need a pod with internet access

    1. Flesz Avatar

      silly me, ignore my comment , I get it now 🙂

    2. Frank Avatar

      The cloudflared and the application(httpbin) are in different pods and by default they don’t have connectivity to each other. The Service exposes the application(httpbin) within the kubernetes cluster, so that cloudflared can connect to it and serve it to the internet.

  3. […] Deploy Cloudflare Tunnel on Kubernetes – Frank’s Weblog ( […]

    1. Dorian Avatar

      Got it to work but i couldnt get it to work with the secret

      1. Frank Avatar

        How did you configure the secret?

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